Thanks for checking in. I would love to hear from you.

Have a wonderful day my friends!

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Nine months later...

This is a memory.
It is one of many.
This is my sweet and ornery Granny.
It's been nine months since she went to Heaven.
She was my Saturday morning phone call visit.
She was my recipe go-to.
We shared recipes and secrets during those phone calls.
She taught me to make homemade wine.
She taught me to make pie.
She taught me to try again when I messed up recipes.

She spoiled me silly.
She made French Silk Pie because it was my favorite.
She made Coconut Cream Pie with Mile High Meringue because it, too, was my favorite.
She always asked what I wanted her to make when we got together.

She was a very strong woman.
Who puts EIGHTY candles on a cake!?!?!?
(In his defense, he also brought a fire extinguisher.)
She worked hard her whole life.
In the years before her passing, she had a broken back from a dog jumping on her.
She had colon cancer, a stroke, and a broken hip.
She had breast caner.
The same night as the mastectomy she had a massive heart attack.
Just a few weeks later, she was diagnosed with colon cancer again.
One week after her surgery to remove the cancer, she passed.
The day of her surgery she just thanked me over and over for coming to be with her.
She told me repeatedly that she loved me.
Each day after the surgery when I called to check in, she continued to declare her love.
She continued to say thank you.
Easter Sunday was the last time I talked to her on  the phone.
She kept the visit short, but she made sure that I knew that she loved me.
She thanked me for the Saturday morning visits.

She knew.
She knew she wouldn't be going home to her little house.
She passed away within the next 2 days.
My Mama called me to tell me that she was getting worse.
If I wanted to see her I needed to hurry.
I packed a bag while my family gassed the car.
I drove my fastest and prayed that I wouldn't be too late.
When I finally arrived, I got to sit by her and hold her hand.
I got to tell her over and over how much I loved her.
I had 20 minutes.
Twenty minutes that seemed like an eternity yet not enough time.
She passed peacefully surrounded by her family.
What a blessing.
I don't remember much about the drive home.
Actually I don't remember much about the next few days.
I DO know that my Saturday mornings were tough for a long time.
I didn't know what to do with myself.
I wanted to pick up a phone and call her.
I wanted to tell her about new recipes.
I wanted to tell her about her grandchildren and their activities.

She was incredible.
She was a fighter.
She was stronger and braver than I could imagine such a tiny woman to be.
She loved us big.

Heaven gets sweeter every year.
More and more of my precious people have gone to be with Jesus.
Every day is a gift.
One never knows when life will change.
Some of the changes change everything.

Life is full of moments.
I write this today to remind myself to be present each day.
The moments are delicious.
Enjoy the little things, because in the end, they truly are the big things.
Life.  Is.  Delicious.

Here's to you, Granny.
I love you!


Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Happy New Year! (Two years later!)

So many things have happened since my last post!!
Let me catch up, please!

Our little family has grown older in two years.
Corbin is a Senior at Pitt State.
He just might graduate in May with a double major.
If he follows through with the plan, he will have a printing degree and a packaging degree.
He always said that he liked using the technology in Graphics Design.
He liked seeing the finished projects.
I sure did worry when he chose this plan of study.
The kid never drew pictures or doodled.  
Graphics Design made me think of pictures, advertising, and all things creative!
He found a way to make it work for him.
In May he is scheduled to leave for a BIG city to do an internship for six months!
He is so excited that I can't hardly be sad at the idea of his being so far away.
Prayers for success as he tries to figure out his future.

Courtney is a Senior in high school.
She finished her very last volleyball season this fall.
They were District Champions and played one game in sectionals.
It was a good run,  and I can't lie...I miss watching her play already.
...and Senior Night was tough.

She is on to other things though.
She is trying Archery for the first time ever!
She will have her first shoot on the 12th of January.
It will be a good day!
Last spring she was a member of the school's Trap Shooting Team!
She was the only girl who tried out for the team.
She worked hard and shot well during the season.
The team was able to advance to the State Shoot in June.
Courtney shot 78/100.  Not bad for a first year shooter!
She also hit 33 clays in a row, earning a 25 shot patch.
She won 1st Place Female in the Conference and at State.
As she begins her last semester in High School, she is preparing for Nursing School at Pitt State.
She will earn her Associate Degree in General Studies from Crowder College the day after she graduates from high school.
She has worked really hard to do this.  
She had no intentions of earning the degree when she started the classes.
She started slow, and she's taken on big class loads to complete it.

Go ahead...think about those accomplishments.
Corbin will graduate on May 11.
Courtney will graduate from high school on May 17.
She will turn around and graduate from Crowder on May 18.
The following weekend, we'll move Corbin to Minneapolis!

Please Pray for a Mama's heart and sanity.

*Proud Parent Moment*
Courtney was nominated for Queen candidate for the high school Knight and Queen.
Knight and Queen are nominated by teachers based on work ethic, attitude, integrity, etc.
It is sponsored by the yearbook committee, and the nominations and voting are done by teachers.

Here's our beautiful Queen and her King/friend, Nakoa.
Friends since elementary school!!


 That's probably more than you could ever want to know about our kids.
They sure did grow up fast.
I love that they still enjoy being at home with family.
I really love that they spend the night at Grandma's house and help her with Christmas decorations.
I love that they tell each other secrets.
I think it's fabulous that they are best friends.
I pray that they are always close and always confide in one another.
This mama's heart is FULL.
Sometimes I get busy and forget, but Life IS Delicious!!

Because my Friend Buried her Daddy this Week

So...This one never got posted.
I remember crying when I wrote it.
Friends are special, and it's so important to be there for them in their times of need.
Her Daddy's funeral sparked so many emotions for me.
This post was written two years ago, and I haven't been on this blog since.
So much has happened since that day.
Many were terrific things, but there were also a few more gut-wrenching funerals to attend.'s the post I wrote before I temporarily quit.

One of my friends lost her Daddy last week.

Funerals are tough for me sometimes.
Funerals for Daddy's are very tough.
They bring back the memories of the day we laid Daddy to rest.
I can see it as clearly as if it were yesterday.
I see my kids' faces as they tried to understand the details.
I see my Momma, crying at the casket, not wanting to leave his side for the last time.
I hear Taps being played.
I feel the cold October wind blowing in my face
 as the minister gave final prayers and cows mooed in the neighboring pasture.
I see my family and friends gathered around the metal gray casket trimmed with silver handles.
 --Their faces sad and tear stained.
I see relatives and friends taking roses from flower arrangements.
I hear friends saying, "I'm sorry" over and over again.

I can't explain the pain in my heart that I felt for my friend.
I had a lump in my throat for three days.
I know that we celebrate for her Daddy
He lived a purposeful life.
He was close to his family, loved God, and made memories.
He is healthy again in Heaven and is celebrating the New Year with Jesus!
He's having the family reunion of all reunions!
We rejoice in the love of Jesus
 and the fact that Eternity in Heaven is available to those 
who believe and accept Jesus into their hearts!

The pain for those left behind is real.
We hurt because we know we will miss him.
We won't get hugs or hear his laugh.
His grandkids won't get the "atta boy" or "atta girl" encouragement
from their Pops.
He won't go hiking with his friends or camping with his family.
He won't be taking his grandchildren fishing.
The vacations together are now only memories.
There will be no more vacations as the whole group.
He won't be there for anniversaries, birthdays, holidays.
Pops will physically be missing.


This is what makes it hard.

My Daddy has been gone for nine years now.
I wish I could say that  everything is better after time.
It's not really better.
It's just different.
Life is different now.

I know that he watches over us and sees that the kids have grown.
He must be busting at the buttons proud of them for their accomplishments.
I know that he is with his Lord and Savior.
I know I will see him again some day.

Every once in a while, though...

I WISH I could have a hug.
I WISH I could see his sweet face,
full of laughter with twinkle in his eyes.
I WISH he would fling a rubber band at me
or pop me with a wet dish towel.
I WISH he would fling a snowball from behind a tree
and hit me square in the chest.
(he usually aimed at my face)
And sometimes...I even wish he would tie firecrackers to the front door
in order to scare the daylights out of me when I opened it.

My Daddy was always present 
even though he worked a swing shift 
and slept a lot of weird hours.
He gave hugs.
He taught me my basketball jump shot.
He worked on my layups with me.
He played one on one in the driveway.
He gave more hugs.
He changed the oil in my car.
He filled the gas tank.
He checked tire pressure.
He gave more hugs.
He helped me with homework.
(I despised current events and all things map-related...
and he was patient enough to figure it out.)
He funded my college education.
He funded my clothing and shoe obsession.
He tearfully gave me away at my wedding.
He helped me get a summer job at the Power Plant.
(I drove a fork lift and wore steel toed shoes and a hard hat.)
He gave MORE hugs.
He helped his parents when they needed it.
He helped his friends when they needed it.
He helped strangers when they needed it.

He was a man of integrity.
He loved us.
We were lucky to have him in our lives.

He is physically gone but certainly not forgotten.
His hugs fixed everything.
His laughter melted my heart.
His ornery grin cheered me up and always made me laugh.
There are a few gifts around the house given to me by my Daddy...
...a Christmas bowl bought at an auction before he passed 
(given to me the Christmas after he passed)
...pieces of jewelry
...angel figurines
(chosen by Momma and endorsed by Daddy)
and other little things.
These gifts remind me daily of how much he loved us.
They remind me to be like him...loving, kind, faithful, AND ornery.

Funerals are tough.
They help me focus on good memories
rather than the loss and sadness in my heart.
Yes, I'm sad that my Daddy is gone.
I'm happy to have the incredible memories, though.
I'm fortunate enough to know that we'll be reunited in Heaven someday.

Until then, I'll pray for my friend who just lost her Daddy.
I'll be there to hold her on days she is overcome with grief.
I'll encourage her on days that she feels she can't "adult" because her heart is heavy.

Life, even with death, is delicious.
Please pray for my friend with me.

Gracious Father in Heaven, Thank you for this day.  Thank you for a new year, fresh starts, and new beginnings.  As we celebrate the New Year, we also celebrate a precious life which was dedicated to serving you and serving others.  His passing brings new challenges to his family, and we ask that you comfort them in their time of loss.  We ask that you guide them as they move through their grief and find their new normal.  We ask that you give them peace and understanding.  Above all else, God, I ask that you wrap your loving arms around them.  Please let them feel the prayers being prayed for them.  Please let them feel your comforting arms as you carry them through this difficult time.  Thank you for blessing us with Daddies.  Please be with this family and give them comfort, Lord. In the sweet name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

Living the Dream

Living the Dream
I love Christmas Eve when the house is quiet and there is nothing left to do but wait for Santa and Christmas morning to arrive!