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Have a wonderful day my friends!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

My Favorite Things

This post is a long time coming.
I started it, but then we got busy, and I didn't finish it.
Well, today's the day even though it's nearly the end of January.

I love Christmas.  It's no secret.  This fact surprises nobody.
I love the sincerity of the season.
I love the reason for the season.
I love the beauty of the decorations, the lights, and the beautiful colors.
Bonus if there is snow!!

These are a few of my favorite things:

1.  Christmas Music!
I could listen to it all year long.
I try my hardest to wait until Thanksgiving, but it's hard for me to wait.

My favorite is Oh Holy Night.
It reminds me of the real meaning of Christmas.
It keeps me grounded.
I'm reminded of the love of the season each and every time I hear it.

2.  Gift Giving.
I love making the list and checking it twice!
I enjoy finding "Just the right thing"
or making a special thing for each person on the list.

3.  Wrapping Gifts!
I love the details of tags, ribbon, and add-ons.
I think that coordinating gift wrap is a gift from God.

3.  Baking!
Baking cookies, cakes, and candies makes the house smell delicious.
I enjoy sharing recipes from my mom and grandmas with my kids.
I love spending time with our family in the kitchen.
Cory always comes in when a batch of cookies is fresh from the oven.

4.  Advent Studies are Incredible!
There's nothing better than studying the Bible and sharing the Word with the kids.
Discussing the love of the season with our family is cherished time.

6.  I love the Christmas tree, the lights, and the meaningful decorations.
There's nothing more soothing at the end of the day
 than sitting in my big comfy chair by the glow of the tree lights.

7.  Christmas movies!!!!
Oh my.
We make a list around Thanksgiving,
 and we try to watch as many as we can throughout the season!
We watch all kinds...everything from It's a Wonderful Life to Elf.

8.  Christmas Light Shows
I have always loved driving around
looking at the lights in neighborhoods and on town squares.
The kids don't love it as much as we do,
but we drag them and promise ice cream at the end of the evening.

This list is full of the things that make holidays bright at our house.
We've finally finished putting everything holiday-related away,
and I already miss it.
Only 331 days until Christmas 2015!!

Christmas is Delicious!!
Have a great day friends.

Living the Dream

Living the Dream
I love Christmas Eve when the house is quiet and there is nothing left to do but wait for Santa and Christmas morning to arrive!