Thanks for checking in. I would love to hear from you.

Have a wonderful day my friends!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Early Morning Track Practices

It is D.A.R.K. at 5:45 in the morning. 
The kids had track practice 6:30.
That's right.
6:30 a.m.
That means they had to be ready to run at 6:15.
We stopped for apple fritters on the way.
(they were not done baking yet. Grrr.)
We also picked up a couple of friends.
Did I mention how dark it is?
I'm okay with it.
Next year Corbin will be driving them to the practice. 
My taxi service days are numbered.
(sniff, sniff, tear.)
I am happy that they have found activities that they love.
Being a mom of busy kids is delicious.
(even when we get up at o-dark-thirty.)
Happy Spring Break kick-off!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Time flies when you're having fun!
I've said it a hundred times.
I've heard it a million more.
I can't believe that it's already March.
Yet at the same time
it seems like we've been waiting for this for a long time.
Maybe it has something to do with all the cold and snow we've endured this winter.
Spring has felt so out of reach this year...
until now.
Yesterday it was a sunny 77 degrees outside!
(It hasn't been 70 degrees since November.)
I was so excited about the forecast that
I dusted off a dress and sandals to wear to school!
Along with the warmer weather,
there's certainly a different atmosphere in school.
Today everyone seemed more relaxed.
Everywhere I looked, I saw smiles on faces.
Sunshine does that to people.
So do vacations.
We just happened to have both at the same time!
The countdown is ON.
We have one day of school with students, and then 
 one day of teacher's inservice before our Spring Break begins.
Tonight, as I sit here, I am giddy with the possibilities for the week ahead!
I'm not kidding....GIDDY!
I am smiling from ear to ear.
Mr. took off for the week, so
we'll ALL be home together...
I'm so happy.
What will we do?
The possibilities are endless.
Sleep in.
Work on home projects.
Clean the attic.
Clean out the butterfly garden and flower beds.
Get the garden ready for planting.
Clean up the flower pots and gardening tools.
Spend time at the Pond.
Take some day trips.
Have a lunch date as a family!
Oh my.  I could go on and on.
Only time will tell.
We know that we are ready for a break.
We are ready for some family time.
We've been talking about the week
and our lack of plans for a month now.
We're excited that there are no plans!
It will so good to just "be."
I am more relaxed just thinking about it.
I cannot wait to see what Spring Break has in store for our family!
If you are celebrating a spring break, I hope it is everything you desire it to be.
Most of all, I hope it finds you happy, healthy, and loved.
Anticipation is delicious.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

My Favorite Girl

 Volleyball picture day.

I love her sweet face.
I love her sweet, sweet heart.
I'm so lucky to be her Momma.


Pretty young ladies.
I can't believe it is their last season of  club ball.
It's gone so fast.

Chocolate Treats

My name is Chrissy.
I have a problem.
I am terribly in LOVE with chocolate.
I love everything about it.
It's no secret.
My family knows it.
My friends know it.
My students know it.
Their parents know it.
I had a rough week.
One momma sensed it.
She showed up on Friday with this bag filled with
"Hugs and Kisses"
along with a bag of Pretzel M&Ms.
(You can't see the M&Ms, but they are there.)


I have refrained from opening the bags so far.
I'm sure they will have their debut this week.
Special treats from special families...

Is it Spring Yet?

These chip clips were a Valentine's Day gift from one of my students.
Aren't they the cutest things?
I put four clips on one bag of chips.
They make me smile.
They make my heart happy.
I love that they are so colorful
and that they carry the "be happy" theme.
It's the little things.
Spring IS on its' way, I'm sure of it.
Until then, though...
I'll count on the chip clips to give me some sunshine. WILL be delicious!
Have a sunny day, friends!

In like a Lion

The month of March certainly came in "like a Lion!"
The entire winter has been bitterly cold and snow-filled.
March 2nd brought another winter storm warning
Complete with freezing rain, sleet, and snow.
At one point it was raining Sonic ice.
Needless to say, we had another snow day.
It was our 11th for this year.
I made our traditional snow day muffins.

We built a toasty fire in the fireplace.

We had a movie marathon that went on and on and on.
We baked a special dinner complete with homemade bread.

We hope it was our last snow day of the year.  
This makes our last day of school May 30.
I know that many of my friends and coworkers 
complain about snow days.
I know that snow days are also an inconvenience 
to those who work outside the education field.
I wish that everyone had the opportunity 
to stay at home with their kids, 
spending time together 
and just enjoying each other's company.
If they were able to do that, they would understand
My childlike excitement for snow days.

Snow days...even in March...are so delicious.

Living the Dream

Living the Dream
I love Christmas Eve when the house is quiet and there is nothing left to do but wait for Santa and Christmas morning to arrive!