Apparently the tornado season is in full swing. We do not like it.
Going into the late afternoon yesterday, the air felt heavy. Thick. Damp. Yet when there was a breeze, it was cool-ish. I didn't like it. I said nothing of it to Courtney. I told Corbin that we needed to pay attention to the weather. He is not afraid of weather like she is.
Sure enough, the wind picked up late yesterday evening, and at about bedtime, things really got going. Tornado watches were in effect in Kansas. The wind was HOWLING, and I was certain at one point that the house was about to be lifted and swirled in the air like Dorothy's house in the Wizard of Oz. I'm surprised we have a roof this morning. The rain blew sideways. There was hail. Our power went out. Once that happened, the noise from outside was intensified greatly. Courtney slept through the rough part of the storm. (Thank you Lord!) Once everything had calmed down, she woke up and was afraid of the lightning. Yuck. I'm glad we were home and that everyone is safe. Praying today for those who have no power still and for those who have damage to clean up today. It's a new day. It's a fresh start.
It's also Leap Day! This day comes but once every 4 years. What a fun and exciting thing to think about as a Kinder Kid! We will do a lot of "leaping" today. (reading sight words on lily pads, hopping contests and leaping relays at recess, etc.)
...and it's also Wacky Wednesday at school. We are celebrating Dr. Seuss' birthday this week, and it only seemed right to go all out with a Wacky day right smack in the middle. The kids are in pajamas, backwards clothes, mismatched clothes, CRAAAAAZY hair-dos, and hilarious socks. Mrs. Schmidt was wacky and wore pajamas to school. See? It's all good. We have much to celebrate and so much for which to be thankful. Yes, we're all sleep deprived, but it's still going to be a delicious day.
This blog is my little attempt to enjoy, record, and even remember the little things. It's full of family, friends, chocolate, food, and deliciousness!
Thanks for checking in. I would love to hear from you.
Have a wonderful day my friends!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
My name is Chrissy.
(This is where you say, "Hello Chrissy.")
I am addicted to Pinterest.
It's true.
I have a problem.
It has everything a girl could possibly want to know about!
You look through "pins" and put them on your own "virtual bulletin board."
Once you've pinned it on your board, you don't have to look for it in cyberspace.
You simply pin it and keep it until you no longer need that pin/site/information.
I love to craft.
I really like DIY projects. (just beginning, so that's why I don't love it yet)
I LOVE to read blogs.
I like to look for ways to fix Courtney's hair--
Ponytails are getting kind of boring.
I love to read RECIPES!
I love to find new cheap ideas for ways to fix things that I already own.
This weekend I made a recipe that I found on said Pinterest!
I love a good challenge as much as I love reading all those blogs and recipes.
Here's where it gets interesting....
Well...not until last night.
I made fried chicken with bowtie pasta
I used olive oil for the frying to help a little.
The chicken was dredged in flour, milk and cornflakes.
The cream sauce was made in the skillet with chicken "grease".
I added chicken broth,
cream of chicken soup
and a container of Philadelphia Italian and herb cooking cream.
**It was quite a process from beginning to end, but even the left-overs were worth the effort. This recipe is going in the recipe vault. It is a keeper. We DID decide that we could fake fry the chicken by baking it and still get good flavor and tenderness. Next time, we'll definitely bake the chicken.
But wait. There's more!
I even baked a lemon cake and frosted it with a cool, creamy lemon frosting.
That recipe was a snap!
1 box lemon instant pudding
1 cup milk
1 container of fat free/light Cool Whip
(Mix pudding and milk. Whisk. Fold in Cool Whip.)
You COULD add a jar of Marshmallow fluff to really make it special, but I didn't.
I FRIED the chicken, People!!!!
I could already feel my arteries beginning to clog.
With all that said, I seriously love Pinterest.
I am now on a mission to find a cheap AND easy way to paint my kitchen cabinets.
Pinterest is FULL of DIY posts.
No worries.
I'll find one that I can convince Mr. to let me try.
Pinterest is amazing.
If you haven't requested an invitation, you MUST.
I mean it!
Do it now.
You won't be sorry.
It's all delicious
(You can even pin pictures of Ryan Reynolds.)
Sunday, February 26, 2012
The season of Lent is here!
Isn't it something how fast time goes when you are enjoying what you are doing? We drove to Arkansas for a volleyball tournament yesterday. It was fun to watch the girls improving their skills and having fun when they won games. (They won 1st in their pool bracket and then lost the first game of the Gold Bracket play. ...3 weeks ago, I would not have had a CLUE what that, in a nutshell, they kicked some bootie in the pool play and then got bootie kicked out of the bracket play. No bling/medals brought home by the team this weekend.) After the tournament was over, we met friends in Bentonville for dinner. We don't see these friends very often and it just happened that they were going to be available for a perfect meal with much needed catching up was had! It was a terrific ending to a very fun day.
One thing I've noticed about time is....when your activity is not so enjoyable, the time does NOT fly past. For example, while waiting your turn for the dentist or THE dreaded annual exam, time freezes and every second on the clock ticks slower and slower.'s the problem. I am a little concerned about how fast or slow the next several weeks will go........ I gave up chocolate for Lent. Now, for those who do not know me, I love chocolate so much that I would install a chocolate fountain as a permanant fixture in my dream home. It would flow with beautiful smooth chococlate 24/7. I would be able to cover fruit... cookies... candies....cakes... cupcakes... bacon... my spoon... whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. I have a chocolate stash at school. I have a chocolate stash at home. (I hide my favorites from those I love.) My point is....I LOOOOVE chocolate. I am not Catholic, but in my understanding or perception of Lent is this... Lent is a season in which to be closer to God. The idea is to give up something you love/use/abuse in order to build a closer relationship with God. You sacrifice something, and add something. For me, this means adding more time praying more thoughtfully and more purposefully. I can lean on God and pray that He will guide me and give me strength to get through the day or even the hour without drinking a diet Coke or reading facebook this year's fast......eating chocolate. Correct me if I am wrong here, but this is a beautiful thing! I quit eating chocolate. I pray-- asking God to help me not be tempted and to soothe my soul with his love and grace. I build a closer relationship because I am talking to him MORE throughout the day rather than just at a time that is set aside for prayer. HA! Genious. God is Good. Whether he established the Lent season as it is known or not.... He knew that we would need a season to draw nearer to Him. He knew that we would suffer and struggle wtih things in this earthly life. I believe that Lent can be used as a practice run for getting through the big things in our lives like cancer, financial hardships, loss of work, loss of a friend or a relative, those things that cause us to doubt His presence and His blessings in our lives. Even if I'm not right on the purpose of Lent, I am still participating. I will continue to pray and ask for strength. I will continue to talk to him throughout the day.
So, the first 4 days have not been bad. Easter Sunday is not so far away, right? I can do it. I just hope that the closer walk with God will be the fun part and that it will mask the ticking of the second hands while I await my next encounter with that smooth, creamy piece of chocolate during the Holy weekend. A closer, more intense walk with my Heavenly Father will be the reward, and it will be delicious!
One thing I've noticed about time is....when your activity is not so enjoyable, the time does NOT fly past. For example, while waiting your turn for the dentist or THE dreaded annual exam, time freezes and every second on the clock ticks slower and slower.'s the problem. I am a little concerned about how fast or slow the next several weeks will go........ I gave up chocolate for Lent. Now, for those who do not know me, I love chocolate so much that I would install a chocolate fountain as a permanant fixture in my dream home. It would flow with beautiful smooth chococlate 24/7. I would be able to cover fruit... cookies... candies....cakes... cupcakes... bacon... my spoon... whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. I have a chocolate stash at school. I have a chocolate stash at home. (I hide my favorites from those I love.) My point is....I LOOOOVE chocolate. I am not Catholic, but in my understanding or perception of Lent is this... Lent is a season in which to be closer to God. The idea is to give up something you love/use/abuse in order to build a closer relationship with God. You sacrifice something, and add something. For me, this means adding more time praying more thoughtfully and more purposefully. I can lean on God and pray that He will guide me and give me strength to get through the day or even the hour without drinking a diet Coke or reading facebook this year's fast......eating chocolate. Correct me if I am wrong here, but this is a beautiful thing! I quit eating chocolate. I pray-- asking God to help me not be tempted and to soothe my soul with his love and grace. I build a closer relationship because I am talking to him MORE throughout the day rather than just at a time that is set aside for prayer. HA! Genious. God is Good. Whether he established the Lent season as it is known or not.... He knew that we would need a season to draw nearer to Him. He knew that we would suffer and struggle wtih things in this earthly life. I believe that Lent can be used as a practice run for getting through the big things in our lives like cancer, financial hardships, loss of work, loss of a friend or a relative, those things that cause us to doubt His presence and His blessings in our lives. Even if I'm not right on the purpose of Lent, I am still participating. I will continue to pray and ask for strength. I will continue to talk to him throughout the day.
So, the first 4 days have not been bad. Easter Sunday is not so far away, right? I can do it. I just hope that the closer walk with God will be the fun part and that it will mask the ticking of the second hands while I await my next encounter with that smooth, creamy piece of chocolate during the Holy weekend. A closer, more intense walk with my Heavenly Father will be the reward, and it will be delicious!
"I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me"
Philippians 4:13
Thursday, February 23, 2012
One Proud Momma!
I know I have said it before.
I'm saying it again.
I love our kids.
They are super people.
I not only LOVE them because they are mine,
but I also LIKE them for who they are.
I am proud of the young adults they are becoming.
I am very blessed that God chose lil' ole ME to be their Momma!
We are going to Courtney's D.A.R.E. program tonight.
She found a journal entry from the night we went to Corbin's program 3 years ago.
(Mrs. Martino, thank you for instilling a LOVE of writing way back in the 1st grade!!!
It continues today! (((Hugs from Courtney))))
Enjoy the Friday Eve my friends!
It's going to be delicious.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
I'll admit it.
Who knew that in such a short amount of time volleyball rules and how the game is played could change SOOOO much? (Maybe it's not really been as short of time as I would like to think it has been, but still!!!) Seriously. I love watching our 10 year old daughter and her friends play on a traveling volleyball team. Here are my questions so far....
1. Why don't they just rotate around the circle so I know what position they are supposed to be playing?
2. Really? SOMEbody gets a point after every single serve?
3. What??? Everybody starts with the score of 4? (I REALLY don't get that one.)
4. Instead of beginning at 4, why don't we just start 0-0 and play to 21?
5. Are we really just giving kids points for showing up? (again with everyone beginning with 4 points)
6. Pool play vs. Bracket play.
7. I need a tutor to help me read the schedule for the day and the board throughout the day. (yet another "true story!")
There are more, but I've already shown what an idiot I am! Ha!
We just got home from a 2 day tournament in Springfield. This is the 3rd tournament for us. The girls are getting better at working together each weekend. I would think they would be intimidated by the height difference of some of the teams --but that's just my opinion. (I would be terrified by some of these teams....) I know that rather than getting ready and into position to receive, I would be looking for a
This is a new experience for us. Our family is enjoying the time together, time with friends, and the learning experience of today's volleyball. The girls are learning how to play volleyball in a whole new way. They are getting better at setting up the ball and getting a hit over the net. They are working toward getting more consistant with their serving. Me? I'm just trying to figure out where everyone runs to once a ball has been served. They know, and they try to tell me, but I get lost in that little court. Good thing I'm as old as I am, and I just had to move over a few steps to get to my new spot in the rotation!
I'm so thankful that my kids are healthy enough and motivated enough to play team sports. I'm excited to see them grow and learn through their experiences. I enjoy watching them celebrate the success of a point scored or a medal earned. I am even happy to say that last night, after losing a lot, when asked by a sales clerk how her team did, she thought about it and with a smile on her face replied, "We did good." Maybe they lost a lot, but she must have felt they did something right, or she would not have said that they did good. Wow! I was a very proud momma at that moment. I am more happy than I can explain to see confidence growing and skills improving. These are the things that make life so delicious!
Enjoy the week my friends!
True concentration, Baby!!!
1st medal of the season.
2nd place in the Silver Bracket.
VERY exciting for a team of 10 and 11 year old young ladies
who are playing against a bunch of 12 year olds!
Congratulations to CJ Smash. You girls played so hard this weekend!
I'm so excited for the next tournament!
I can't wait to see what you have to show us!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Get Your Craft On!
There is a group of ladies (very creative, I might add...)
who participate in a monthly "Get Your Craft On" project.
Each month there is a project theme.
Sometimes I follow the theme.
Sometimes I don't.
These are a few of my most recent "crafts."
Easy Peasy Picture Frame!
True story...
I bought the wooden frame for $1.
Bought the scrapbook paper for $.59.
I cut the paper to fit the frame.
Mod Podged the paper to the frame (3 coats)
I used a sander to sand the edges and make it a little "worn"
I did not have a sander.
I sent Mr. to get some sandpaper for the project.
He came home with my very own Power Tool!!!
It only took 10 minutes to do all the sanding!
If I don't count the cost of the sander, this project cost less than $2.
I still need to print a sepia toned picture of the kids.
That will cost another 9 cents.
This is my attempt at printing on burlap.
It was too thick to go through my printer.
I had iron on transfers, so I printed a flipped version on a transfer.
I ironed it onto the burlap.
I had the burlap from another project.
I had the frame from another project.
I even had the iron on transfer!
Free is the best craft.
This little bear is just too cute.
She was a gift from a student several years ago.
(That sweet little boy TOWERS over me now.)
She sits beside my desk right beside the jar of chocolates.
The jar is not empty right now.
I took the picture before I filled the jar.
(I did NOT make this bear, nor do I wish you to think that I made this bear.)
I just think it is very stinkin' cute, and I love that the box says she is not going to quit eating chocolates!
(So ME!)
I'm excited about the theme for April.
The frame is my project for March.
Yeah...I'm ahead of the calendar!
It's all good.
It's all delicious.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Snow Day
Snow days are the bomb-diggity! They allow you to stay in your pajamas, bake yummy food, watch movies, play games, and just do what you want. We work on a little housework between the fun, but most of the day is spent playing in one way or another! Yessssss.
The kids went back to bed after we got our call. I have finished off my coffee. I might just make another pot. It is so much more enjoyable when I can sit in the big comfy chair.
When the kids finally get out of their beds, Courtney will need to make her valentine's box, and Corbin ....well, he'll just need to play video games, I'm sure.
In preparation for a cold snowy day, I made a big pot of Spicy Cheesy Chicken soup yesterday. Yummy! It was great last night, and I love the leftovers that we have for today. I have ingredients to bake some Red Velvet Brownies with White Chocolate buttercream frosting, chocolate covered strawberries and some yummy double chocolate cupcakes. My fun is all mapped out! Mmmm..even snow days are full of deliciousness.
The kids went back to bed after we got our call. I have finished off my coffee. I might just make another pot. It is so much more enjoyable when I can sit in the big comfy chair.
When the kids finally get out of their beds, Courtney will need to make her valentine's box, and Corbin ....well, he'll just need to play video games, I'm sure.
In preparation for a cold snowy day, I made a big pot of Spicy Cheesy Chicken soup yesterday. Yummy! It was great last night, and I love the leftovers that we have for today. I have ingredients to bake some Red Velvet Brownies with White Chocolate buttercream frosting, chocolate covered strawberries and some yummy double chocolate cupcakes. My fun is all mapped out! Mmmm..even snow days are full of deliciousness.
Blizzard picture from February 1, 2011
Friday, February 10, 2012
A High School Student????
How sweet is that little face!?!?!
I just took this boy to his Freshman Enrollment.
I swear he should be that little still today.
He was 3 in this picture.
Today he is 13 1/2.
Have you seen the commercial where the Dad is telling his little girl to
drive safe,
don't text or talk on the phone while she is driving,
and he is looking at her as if she is about 5?
That's really what it was like sitting at the enrollment night.
There are so many days that are fun and exciting with the kids at the ages they are now.
Don't get me wrong.
I LOVE having a teenager and a tween in our house.
(I MISS having little kids who need me....true story)
I miss toddlers
and toys
and handprints everywhere.
I miss bottles
and diaper bags.
(true story)
I miss rocking snuggly babies in the evenings
and Cheerios in my car.
I even miss the homework of little people.
I still see sparks of wonder and amazement in some things.
There are moments when I realize that my days with them living under our roof are numbered.
Corbin has 4 years of High School left in our house...
2 years until he drives
and then 2 more until he Graduates.
THAT is enough to make a momma tear up. (just a little)
4 years...
It will be fast.
It probably won't be painless.
I'm certain that it will be fun, though.
Every year before this has been.
Even when it's not fun,
we'll find a way to make the best of it.
That's what family is for.
And for now, I'll enjoy the time that all of us are in the nest together.
Life is delicious that way.
Finally Friday
Whoa! The last post was January 24th. Where did those weeks go? Too much time has past since I last sat down to this blog. Yes. I know. I actually pulled it up a few times and just had nothing to say. (That's very weird. I ALWAYS have something to say.) Let's just say that maybe, just maybe, I could not find anything nice to say. And as we all know......if you don't have anything nice to say... you just don't say anything at all.
So, now it's Friday, February the 10th, and I have so many things I wish I had posted about! Sheesh! Let's begin with volleyball. I LOVE volleyball. Courtney is playing on a traveling club team and we love watching her play. (It is more exciting than watching her cheer, which she also LOVES.)
This past weekend, we traveled to Springfield and had a great day. The girls played much better than they did the tournament before, and it was exciting to see them have some really good plays. When the tournament was over (for us), we hit Bass Pro and dinner out before heading home. It was a long day, but so much fun.
Soccer: Well this is a different story. Because of Courtney's schedule, Corbin's games are usually viewed by only one in our family. Poor thing. It's a good thing that she and I have attended a LOT of really cold, snowy, rainy soccer games so that we can miss a few now and then. Excited for Corbin's indoor soccer season to be winding down. There are talks of Spring soccer already in the works. This is a little scary because the track schedule just came home today. I vaguely remember the track and soccer season last year. If I remember correctly, and it's likely that I have blocked out parts, it was do-able. Corbin says he is up for playing both sports. (sigh) I just THOUGHT that things would calm down in the spring.
Destination Imagination: Here's a new-ish one for our family. Courtney participates in "D.I." with a group of friends. They are busy creating a skit, scenery and props, big and elaborate plans for a competition that is 3 weeks away. (gulp) They have a crazy "trailer" to a made up movie. It is an interesting concept, and I am not allowed to say much about it, provide any input or suggestions or ideas or support, so I just basically drive her there, kick her out of the car with a $5 bill for lunch, and pick her up when the practice is over. I don't ask any questions so that I do not feel tempted to offer any suggestions, question their technique or give any what if's. I'm pretty much in the dark about this project, and it's just safer that way. Sorry, but it's the teacher in me wanting them to cover every angle, every possible idea, every way this could go wrong, etc. Good thing I'm not the adult in charge! We'd be disqualified for sure. (See? I said should have been "THEY!")
Kindergarten: Now here's a fun thing. Lots of things coming up. I LOVE VALENTINE"S DAY! Valentine's day is super fun at school because in my classroom, Room 29, we also celebrate Elegant Day. We all dress in our fancy clothes, eat a fancy snack by candlelight, and find ourselves pulling out chairs for our friends, (and I do not mean pulling them out from under our friends) escorting each other down the halls to our classes and lunch, dancing to ballroom music, and practicing our very best manners. The kids enjoy seeing the fancy clothes, and I love seeing the fancy manners and behavior!!! Ahhhh. I can't wait! (with the exception that I don't really know what I'll wear to such a formal event this year.)
Sigh. I could keep writing, but I should stop. Maybe I'll write a second post this evening!
So, now it's Friday, February the 10th, and I have so many things I wish I had posted about! Sheesh! Let's begin with volleyball. I LOVE volleyball. Courtney is playing on a traveling club team and we love watching her play. (It is more exciting than watching her cheer, which she also LOVES.)
This past weekend, we traveled to Springfield and had a great day. The girls played much better than they did the tournament before, and it was exciting to see them have some really good plays. When the tournament was over (for us), we hit Bass Pro and dinner out before heading home. It was a long day, but so much fun.
Soccer: Well this is a different story. Because of Courtney's schedule, Corbin's games are usually viewed by only one in our family. Poor thing. It's a good thing that she and I have attended a LOT of really cold, snowy, rainy soccer games so that we can miss a few now and then. Excited for Corbin's indoor soccer season to be winding down. There are talks of Spring soccer already in the works. This is a little scary because the track schedule just came home today. I vaguely remember the track and soccer season last year. If I remember correctly, and it's likely that I have blocked out parts, it was do-able. Corbin says he is up for playing both sports. (sigh) I just THOUGHT that things would calm down in the spring.
Destination Imagination: Here's a new-ish one for our family. Courtney participates in "D.I." with a group of friends. They are busy creating a skit, scenery and props, big and elaborate plans for a competition that is 3 weeks away. (gulp) They have a crazy "trailer" to a made up movie. It is an interesting concept, and I am not allowed to say much about it, provide any input or suggestions or ideas or support, so I just basically drive her there, kick her out of the car with a $5 bill for lunch, and pick her up when the practice is over. I don't ask any questions so that I do not feel tempted to offer any suggestions, question their technique or give any what if's. I'm pretty much in the dark about this project, and it's just safer that way. Sorry, but it's the teacher in me wanting them to cover every angle, every possible idea, every way this could go wrong, etc. Good thing I'm not the adult in charge! We'd be disqualified for sure. (See? I said should have been "THEY!")
Kindergarten: Now here's a fun thing. Lots of things coming up. I LOVE VALENTINE"S DAY! Valentine's day is super fun at school because in my classroom, Room 29, we also celebrate Elegant Day. We all dress in our fancy clothes, eat a fancy snack by candlelight, and find ourselves pulling out chairs for our friends, (and I do not mean pulling them out from under our friends) escorting each other down the halls to our classes and lunch, dancing to ballroom music, and practicing our very best manners. The kids enjoy seeing the fancy clothes, and I love seeing the fancy manners and behavior!!! Ahhhh. I can't wait! (with the exception that I don't really know what I'll wear to such a formal event this year.)
Sigh. I could keep writing, but I should stop. Maybe I'll write a second post this evening!
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Living the Dream
I love Christmas Eve when the house is quiet and there is nothing left to do but wait for Santa and Christmas morning to arrive!