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Have a wonderful day my friends!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Finally Friday

Whoa!  The last post was January 24th.  Where did those weeks go?  Too much time has past since I last sat down to this blog.  Yes.  I know.  I actually pulled it up a few times and just had nothing to say.  (That's very weird.  I ALWAYS have something to say.)  Let's just say that maybe, just maybe, I could not find anything nice to say.  And as we all know......if you don't have anything nice to say... you just don't say anything at all. 

So, now it's Friday, February the 10th, and I have so many things I wish I had posted about!  Sheesh!  Let's begin with volleyball.  I LOVE volleyball.  Courtney is playing on a traveling club team and we love watching her play.  (It is more exciting than watching her cheer, which she also LOVES.) 
This past weekend, we traveled to Springfield and had a great day.  The girls played much better than they did the tournament before, and it was exciting to see them have some really good plays.  When the tournament was over (for us), we hit Bass Pro and dinner out before heading home.  It was a long day, but so much fun.

Soccer:  Well this is a different story.  Because of Courtney's  schedule, Corbin's games are usually viewed by only one in our family.  Poor thing.  It's a good thing that she and I have attended a LOT of really cold, snowy, rainy soccer games so that we can miss a few now and then.  Excited for Corbin's indoor soccer season to be winding down.  There are talks of Spring soccer already in the works.  This is a little scary because the track schedule just came home today.  I vaguely remember the track and soccer season last year.  If I remember correctly, and it's likely that I have blocked out parts, it was do-able.  Corbin says he is up for playing both sports.  (sigh)  I just THOUGHT that things would calm down in the spring.

Destination Imagination:  Here's a new-ish one for our family.  Courtney participates in "D.I." with a group of friends.  They are busy creating a skit, scenery and props, big and elaborate plans for a competition that is 3 weeks away.  (gulp)  They have a crazy "trailer" to a made up movie.  It is an interesting concept, and I am not allowed to say much about it, provide any input or suggestions or ideas or support, so I just basically drive her there, kick her out of the car with a $5 bill for lunch, and pick her up when the practice is over.  I don't ask any questions so that I do not feel tempted to offer any suggestions, question their technique or give any what if's.  I'm pretty much in the dark about this project, and it's just safer that way.  Sorry, but it's the teacher in me wanting them to cover every angle, every possible idea, every way this could go wrong, etc.  Good thing I'm not the adult in charge!  We'd be disqualified for sure.  (See?  I said should have been "THEY!")

Kindergarten:  Now here's a fun thing.  Lots of things coming up.  I LOVE VALENTINE"S DAY!  Valentine's day is super fun at school because in my classroom, Room 29, we also celebrate Elegant Day. We all dress in our fancy clothes, eat a fancy snack by candlelight, and find ourselves pulling out chairs for our friends, (and I do not mean pulling them out from under our friends) escorting each other down the halls to our classes and lunch, dancing to ballroom music, and practicing our very best manners.  The kids enjoy seeing the fancy clothes, and I love seeing the fancy manners and behavior!!!  Ahhhh.  I can't wait!  (with the exception that I don't really know what I'll wear to such a formal event this year.)

Sigh.  I could keep writing, but I should stop.  Maybe I'll write a second post this evening!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mrs. Schmidt.....maybe....maybe....maybe we'll have that snow day!!! By the way, that picture of Corbin is precious....he hasn't changed a bit!!


Living the Dream

Living the Dream
I love Christmas Eve when the house is quiet and there is nothing left to do but wait for Santa and Christmas morning to arrive!