Thanks for checking in. I would love to hear from you.

Have a wonderful day my friends!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday

Good Friday.
My heart has such emotions today.
There's rain on the roof. 
The birds are singing outside the window.
The kids have peacefully slept in.
I have a hot CUP of coffee in my hand.
(No travel mug today, baby!)
I was able to make Mr.'s lunch before he left for work.
We also had just a few minutes to talk about the weekend plans before he scurried out.
My earthly treasures are numerous.
Good Friday.
My Lord and Savior went through misery to save me.
He carried the burden.
He took the lashings and the yelling and the punishment.
He I could live.
That's as simple as it gets.
Yet it is so complicated that I can barely wrap my head around it.
He loves ME...a little speck of dust in this vast universe....enough to do all of that.
I am a child of God.
I am loved.
I am forgiven.
I am redeemed.
I am blessed.
My heavenly treasures are too numerous to count.
My cup runneth over, and it's all delicious.
Easter Blessings to each of you, my friends.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


We enjoyed a "Stay-cation" for our spring break this year.
Corbin had track practice, and Courtney had volleyball to think about.
We went to a volleyball tournament on Saturday, and then....
We  I decided that it would be the perfect opportunity to paint Courtney's room!
A week at home?
That would give us plenty of time to take everything out of the room,
paint the trim,
paint the walls,
throw out the trash,
and rearrange the furniture!
It was work, but she chose a beautiful color, and her room is refreshed.
It's not a perfect picture, but you get the idea. 
Once we got that job finished,
 we rented movies,
did laundry,
read books,
went to the movies,
did more laundry,
cleaned house,
watched more movies,
painted all the trim and wainscoating in the hall,
seriously...did more laundry,
sat by the fire ( snowed)
and hung out together.
It was a perfect opportunity to spend doing a lot of nothing.
Spring Break.
It was delicious!
Now I really could use a day to just SLEEP.
A week later.......
Here is a picture of her bed-wall with accessories.
You know how much a girl loves her accessories, right?
Uh-huh....I thought so. 
She loves it even more now.
We probably won't change it until she graduates anyway...
We might as well do it up right. 
(Big smiles)

Makes Momma Proud!

I have missed MANY Honor Roll Assemblies in my time.
I have missed out on the bragging rights, the photo opportunities,
and the sheer joy of seeing my kids walk onto the stage to be recognized for their hard work. I said, "I'm going!" 
It worked out that my own students were in their specials class
at the time of the assembly for our daughter.
AND...the best part is...
I even had my camera at school with me!
(BIG.  BIG.  LOVE!!!)
Our baby made the All A Honor Roll for the 3rd quarter.
Here she is with some of her classmates.

...and this one is for you Debbie.  :)
Way to go Jeffrey!

There is one more quarter before the end of the school year.
Eight and a half weeks.
42 days!
That's all fine and good.....
until I remember that they will be going to Jr. High in August.
That makes today's assembly bittersweet.
They should still be in Kindergarten.
Hug your babies.
Don't blink.
Time FLIES when you're having fun.
Accomplishments like the Honor Roll are so delicious.
Maybe we'll have to celebrate with ice cream tonight! 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Palm Sunday Reflections

Okay...for Lent this year, I gave up time.  Not your ordinary thing to give up, I know.  I decided to use the season of Lent to work on my relationship with God.  What a journey it has been!!!  I have read books that have drawn me to my knees to pray.  Both books have reminded me of God's daily presence in my life.  He is a constant that I can rely on.  (big smile!!!!).

Tragedy has struck my home town as well as our current community many, many times during the past month.  Each of the tragedies brought me to my knees repeatedly.  During the very troubling and trying times, I have had my normal conversations with Cory.  I have also had countless conversations with God.  I have felt peace.  I have felt comforted.

And then there is the Bible study that I am involved in right now.  It is a Beth Moore study and it intertwined with everything else that has been part of my Lent journey!  God has certainly had His hand in my life...I'm not surprised, but more in awe!!!  I love to see everything overlap and hear the same things over and over.

God is who He says He is.
God can do what He says He can do.
I am who God says I am.
I can do all things through Christ.
Gods word is alive and active in me!

My cup runneth over.

Monday, March 11, 2013


So.... when I checked the weather this morning, I saw high of 67 and low of 55.
Sounds divine, right?
I know.
I chose to wear capri pants and sandals in honor of "spring-like" weather.
Mostly Cloudy
Right now, the temperature is 31 degrees.
The wind chill is 21 degrees.
So much for spring weather.
I guess the above mentioned forecast is for next week.
That's okay.
Spring Break will be beautiful!
In the meantime.....
I think I'll go get my blanket and wrap up. 
Missouri weather is delicious!
Have a fabulous day friends!

Living the Dream

Living the Dream
I love Christmas Eve when the house is quiet and there is nothing left to do but wait for Santa and Christmas morning to arrive!