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Have a wonderful day my friends!

Monday, December 31, 2012

December 31, 2012

The last day of 2012!

How exciting, nerve-wracking, fun, lazy, cold, and delicious!!!
Let me explain.
It's exciting
because a new year has so many new possibilities! 
You get to start all over.
The book is empty at this point. 
You get to fill it with whatever you choose.
It's nerve-wracking
because of the things I did not accomplish in 2012. 
It's not necessarily a bucket list, but a list of things "to do" no less.
Painting projects, craft projects, recipes to try, visiting long distance relatives and friends...the list goes on and on and on and on....
It's fun
because we have plans to hang out with sweet friends to ring in the new year. 
Our incredible hostess invited our kids, too.
I love gatherings where the kids get to play and hang out together.  
(That's SO my style!)

It's lazy
because I'm still in my jammies. 
I've done laundry since 7 am, it balances out, right?
Nuff said.
It's cold's finally snowing.
We were very excited to see this season's first snow falling this morning.
I love to sit in the big comfy chair and watch the snow fall.
It's delicious
Where 2 or more are gathered, there's delicious food! 
(I doesn't really go that way, but it works for this post today.)
We are having sandwiches, chips and dips, crackers and dips, fruit and veggie trays snd desserts.  Yummy!

If you are traveling tonight, be safe.
Happy New Year friends!!
Enjoy every delicious minute!

(Speaking of...I think I'll go sample the cookies I made to take to dinner......)

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Living the Dream

Living the Dream
I love Christmas Eve when the house is quiet and there is nothing left to do but wait for Santa and Christmas morning to arrive!