2011 has been a year of ups and downs. Here is a little look inside....
The Blizzard of 2011! (We love the opportunity to have a day to stay at home and do nothing...guilt free!) We had flooding.
On May 22, an F5 tornado tore through.
We volunteered with an amazing group of competetition BBQ folks to serve the community. So on the bright side (if you can find the silver lining) we made some new friends. AND THEN....those new friends worked their tails off to become OBR--a non-profit organization that goes to the disasters and feeds the people! AWESOME!!!!!!
The tornado was followed by our hottest, most extreme summer.
We had no rain.
It was even too hot to go to the swimming pool. THAT is hot!
There have been illnesses along the way
Mr. turned the big 40 this fall
I started my 17th year of teaching. (Am I really old enough to say that???) Seriously!
The kids have had a great year.
They kept us busy, but we wouldn't trade it for anything. Before we know it, the kids will be grown, gone from the nest and too busy for us. I can't imagine what that will be like. (Who will take out the trash?)
We have seen a lot of wonderful things this year.
Actually, we have seen most of the wonderful things because of the terrible things.
We have seen an outpouring of love, support, generosity, and volunteerism because of the tornado.
We have seen miracles.
We have seen lost become found.
We have seen mundane routines become fun and treasured.
The biggest thing we have learned from 2011 is to appreciate the little things.
We have the comforts of home.
We have each other.
Now, if we will just remember to sit back, enjoy them, and let it all soak in.
The little things will become the memories.
Ahhhh.....my cup runneth over.
Happy New Year friends!
Blessings in 2012 to each of you.
And just so my children remember this...this was also the year of the earthquakes in Oklahoma that we could feel here in SW Missouri! Yikes.