Thanks for checking in. I would love to hear from you.

Have a wonderful day my friends!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Senior Stuff

(I had no idea that I'd have time to sit down for this today!!!)

Our Baby Boy is a Senior.
It is only October, and we've already ... 

taken Sr. Pictures for the yearbook
taken Sr. Pictures with a photographer
ordered graduation announcements
ordered the cap and gown
ORDERED pictures from the photographer
gone on college campus tours
applied to colleges

His soccer season is drawing to an end.
Sr. Night is 2 short days away. 
One week from today will be the beginning of the end of the soccer season. 
Tuesday is the first night of District play.
If they win, they will continue to play.
If they lose.... well, it's over.
He may only take the field two more times.
He has been playing soccer since he could walk.
My soccer mom days are numbered, and as I reflect on that,
 I am reminded of how much he has learned on the soccer field.

He has learned to be a team player.
He has learned to take guidance from and listen to a coach.
He has learned how to help someone up when he is on the ground.
He has learned how to stand up for himself and push back just a little.
He has learned how to push back just enough to make a statement 
but not enough to get in trouble.
He has learned how to win with a happy heart.
He has learned how to say "Thank you" when given a compliment.
He has learned how to lose without pointing fingers at others.
He has learned how to self evaluate and work to be better.
He has learned about friendships and being a teammate.
He has learned about compassion, integrity, empathy, and grace.
He has learned about commitment to a team, a coach, and to himself.
He has learned that as a member of a team, 
he represents himself, his family, his school, and his community.
He has learned that on bus trips home, he can order from the dollar menu 
and still have money for ice cream.
He has learned life skills on the soccer field.
The game of soccer as he has know it is about to be finished.
The things he has learned from participating in the sport will go on with him throughout his life, reminding him every day of how to live fairly, cooperatively, and wholeheartedly.

As his mom, how can I ask for more?
Growing up is what we want them to do.
It's our job to help them learn what they need to know in order to 
go out into the world and be successful.
I'm thankful for the years he spent playing soccer.
They have helped us mold our kid into the young man he has become.  
Watch out World, because this kid is almost ready to fly.
I can't wait to see what the future holds for him.
I can't wait.
It's been a sweet Senior year experience so far.
I just wish it would slow down.
Just. A. Little. Bit.
Every minute is Delicious.
Until next time, friends.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

First Quarter Down

So, I remember the first day of school in August.
I remember how exciting it was at our house.
Everyone had the new shoes, new outfits, new chrome books.
Cars were washed and pencil bags were stuffed.
It was a morning of firsts and lasts.
It was Courtney's first day of High School.
It was Corbin's last first day of High School.
It was my first day to have two students in High School.
I just don't know why time has gone so fast.
We blinked, and they grew up.

This was Corbin on his first day of Freshman Year. 
(He did not want me to take a picture....I did it anyway.)

This was the two of them walking into school his Sophomore year and her 7th Grade year.
He walked her in every single morning.  
She has NO idea how lucky she is.

So, that brings me to these pictures.
Freshman and Senior Year.
I'm a very, very lucky momma to have these two as my kids.

 So grown up!

 Tolerating a silly picture with mom.

 I know...just one more, please.

Then we all went to school.  I did very, very well until...
 I got to the office and saw our secretary, who also has a senior kid. 
 I started to sniffle.  
Within minutes, there were my kids!
They needed $50 for Chrome Book Insurance.
Yes, I said $50.
That killed the tears.  

 The Librarian snapped this picture for us before they left.
I love those always-asking-for-money kids!!

Last one.  We promise!!!

Anyhow, the first quarter is behind us.  
Each of them has been B.U.S.Y. with fall sports.
Corbin's soccer team just won Conference Championship game. 
They have a few more games to go before Districts begin.  
This coming Thursday will be Sr. Night, 
where we have the opportunity to honor the Senior players 
for their hard work and dedication to the team.

 #14, Corbin Schmidt!

That guy seriously kept pulling on Corbin to keep him away from the ball.

2015 Conference Champs!!

Courtney has played volleyball this fall.
It's been a fun season.
She has played well and had fun hitting the ball and blocking.
Her team did a great job and worked hard throughout the season.

Celebrating a point!

More celebrating!

Jump high, sweet pea!

That is a BLOCK!


This weekend I have spent time in front of the computer.
More hours than I anticipated.
I looked at Senior pictures with the proverbial fine tooth comb.
I've studied each one...his smile, his eyes, his hair, his shirt collars.
I've looked at how grown up and handsome he is.
I've looked into those beautiful eyes and seen the kindness.
I'm very proud of the young mad he has become.

We've filled out college applications and Senior visit day registration forms.
The year is passing quickly already.
Stick with me if I don't post very often.
I'm busy enjoying every single minute of his last High School year.
I don't know what his future holds.
I know that for a while longer, he's still "mine."
I'm going to sit back, watch him do his thing, fix his favorite dinners, 
and enjoy every single minute.

Today is also the 8th anniversary of saying goodbye to my Daddy for the last time.
We buried him on Oct. 18, 2007.
The kids were 6 and 9 years old.  

This is the last picture we took before his passing.
I miss him every single day.
On days like this, though, I truly wish he were here.
I'd love to hear him giggle one more time.
I'd love to get a big bear hug one more time.
I'd love for him to tease the kids.
I know he is looking down from Heaven.
I know he is proud of them and their accomplishments.
It would be so special if he were here, though, cheering them on from the stands.

Pictures have become my new past time.
Sorting and saving them.
Moving them from one computer file to another ...just because.
Studying their little faces and watching how they've changed throughout the years is a hobby.
I've always noticed, but now I get it.
ENJOY the messy house, the peanut butter and jelly all over the table, 
and reading stories in the rocking chair.
All too soon, the chair isn't big enough, the story isn't long enough, 
and the messes are not as big.
The hands of time will have spun out of control, and the baby days will be gone.

It's not that these days are less fun.
They are fabulous!
I LOVE my kids and who they are becoming.
I enjoy spending time with them...visiting with them...talking with them.
I just miss the days of little people around our house.
We blinked. 
That's how fast it happened.

I'll be back during Christmas vacation, unless I just can't wait to share.
Imagine how much I'll have to share by then!!!

Hang on, friends.
Parenthood is Delicious.

Friday, July 31, 2015

My Babies are not Babies Anymore

So, it's been a few months since I've been on this blog.
I haven't had time to sit down to type .
I haven't even had time to think about a topic worthy of writing.
This morning, I'm sitting in the quiet kitchen with my warm cup of coffee.
It is so quiet that I can hear the lights clicking as they warm up.
The sun is coming up, and there's a nice little breeze outside.
What a beautiful morning!!
So, here I sit, in the quiet by myself.
Ahhh...time to think!  Time to reflect!  Time for God, and time for me.
I thought I'd post about our January - July activities. 
If I don't do it now, I'll forget!
Grab some coffee, tea, or a slurpy...whatever floats your boat, and enjoy a few memories with me.

January and February were full of volleyball tournaments.
Courtney's team played each weekend in different towns,
learning a little bit and gaining skills with each set. 
There were really terrific moments and a few disappointing ones, too.
It's so great to see her learning more about the game.
It's even better to see her gaining confidence through her accomplishments.
She has overcome some big things since she started playing ball.
We've noticed that since she started running track she has a new confidence. 

She has a new love, and it. is. TRACK. 
She loves sprinting.
She has good running form, and we are amazed and surprised every time we watch her race.
We love that she has finally found something to love in addition to volleyball.

During track season Corbin pole vaulted this spring.
We were really excited when he vaulted at his first meet and cleared his personal record. 
It's tough to get your body flying high into the air after seasons away  from it.
He worked hard at practice, went out of town several times to an indoor facility to vault,
and qualified to go to the District meet with his team. 
He finished the season with improvement and consistent vaults.
His coach and parents were super proud!!!
This summer he vaulted at an AAU meet,
and he qualified to participate in the Jr. Olypics at Virginia Beach. 
He won't compete in it due to the start of soccer season beginning,
but he was really happy to have qualified!

The month of May came and the kids concentrated on studying for finals
and finishing the school year.
They finished with flying colors.
Both worked really hard and finished with Make-Your-Momma-Proud Grades.
Corbin spent June and July taking eight hours of college classes. 
The kid was always doing homework.
It paid off. 
He is now that much closer to an associate's degree,
and he doesn't have those two classes to worry about during the regular school year.
One less thing!
Courtney spent June running between helping me in my classroom and working out for volleyball.
She was a busy and TIRED girl.
July was a whirlwind.  It always is.
We were able to spend the 4th of July with family. 
The kids participated in races and competitions throughout the day.
Both kids have also had sports camps this month.

Today is the last day of July, and in a week and a half, we will begin school.
Corbin is going to be a SENIOR!
Courtney is going to be a FRESHMAN!
Oh.  My.  Goodness.
WHERE has the time gone?

We began the Sr. Picture adventure this week. 
He is enrolled in several Dual Credit classes for the fall and spring semesters.
He's been taking them for the past year.
We visited two colleges this summer.
He enjoyed the tours.
I enjoyed going with him.
There's a lot to consider, and I'm sure he was overwhelmed.
(His mother certainly was!!!)

I want to freeze time.
I want to savor every minute.
I know that this year will go so fast.
His graduation will come and go, and we will move on.
In the meantime, I plan to be in the present, enjoying every day.
There are so many delicious moments.
My eyes are open.
My calendar is ready.
My  heart is bursting with pride.
The anticipation of the coming school year and all that comes with it is delicious.

Hoping to post more frequently so I'll remember the details. 
Happy last days of summer vacation, friends!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

My Favorite Things

This post is a long time coming.
I started it, but then we got busy, and I didn't finish it.
Well, today's the day even though it's nearly the end of January.

I love Christmas.  It's no secret.  This fact surprises nobody.
I love the sincerity of the season.
I love the reason for the season.
I love the beauty of the decorations, the lights, and the beautiful colors.
Bonus if there is snow!!

These are a few of my favorite things:

1.  Christmas Music!
I could listen to it all year long.
I try my hardest to wait until Thanksgiving, but it's hard for me to wait.

My favorite is Oh Holy Night.
It reminds me of the real meaning of Christmas.
It keeps me grounded.
I'm reminded of the love of the season each and every time I hear it.

2.  Gift Giving.
I love making the list and checking it twice!
I enjoy finding "Just the right thing"
or making a special thing for each person on the list.

3.  Wrapping Gifts!
I love the details of tags, ribbon, and add-ons.
I think that coordinating gift wrap is a gift from God.

3.  Baking!
Baking cookies, cakes, and candies makes the house smell delicious.
I enjoy sharing recipes from my mom and grandmas with my kids.
I love spending time with our family in the kitchen.
Cory always comes in when a batch of cookies is fresh from the oven.

4.  Advent Studies are Incredible!
There's nothing better than studying the Bible and sharing the Word with the kids.
Discussing the love of the season with our family is cherished time.

6.  I love the Christmas tree, the lights, and the meaningful decorations.
There's nothing more soothing at the end of the day
 than sitting in my big comfy chair by the glow of the tree lights.

7.  Christmas movies!!!!
Oh my.
We make a list around Thanksgiving,
 and we try to watch as many as we can throughout the season!
We watch all kinds...everything from It's a Wonderful Life to Elf.

8.  Christmas Light Shows
I have always loved driving around
looking at the lights in neighborhoods and on town squares.
The kids don't love it as much as we do,
but we drag them and promise ice cream at the end of the evening.

This list is full of the things that make holidays bright at our house.
We've finally finished putting everything holiday-related away,
and I already miss it.
Only 331 days until Christmas 2015!!

Christmas is Delicious!!
Have a great day friends.

Living the Dream

Living the Dream
I love Christmas Eve when the house is quiet and there is nothing left to do but wait for Santa and Christmas morning to arrive!