Long before I held the title of "Mom,"
I was a daughter.
I was a grand-daughter.
I was a sister.
I remember the days of making little Mother's Day treats
for my mom in elementary school.
I loved the feeling of running home
to treat her with carefully and lovingly made gifts and cards.
Over time, the gifts have changed.
Once I went to college and married, the gifts turned to flowers
and sometimes decadent chocolates.
Then...the kids were born.
That is when the gifts REALLY changed.
It seems that pictures of my sweet, chubby cheeked children
were the only gifts she received for several years.
What will we treat her with on Sunday???
I'm not sure.
It might be more pictures of the kids....
less chubby cheeked, but sweet none the less.
My paternal grandmother used to enjoy having us spend the night at her house.
She was quick to bake cookies, play board games, play the organ, and even play cards with us.
She was a farmer's wife, so her time was spent working on the farm, too.
She raised chickens and helped however she was needed around the farm.
Corbin saw her once in his life.
Courtney never knew her.
Courtney would have loved her.
Grandmother loved to cook and bake and clean.
(That woman could CLEAN!!!)
My maternal grandma, Granny, is still with us, and boy is she a fighter!
She is a tough one.
She worked her whole life.
Nine years ago she broke her back as a result of being attacked by a dog.
Since then, she's had a stroke,
fallen and broken her hip,
and BEAT cancer!
She makes the best coconut cream pies.
She spoils me silly.
She loves her family, and she worries
about the long time spans between our family gatherings.
(She loves her great grandchildren to pieces!!!)
My own daughter will one day be a Mother.
When she is a Mother, a Mommy, or a Momma,
I know that she will do it well.
She has a huge heart, a loving heart,
a giving heart, a gracious heart.
This weekend, we will celebrate all the Grandmas in the family.
They range in age from 62 to 99.
I am so lucky to be able to spend time with such incredible ladies.
My kids will give me a hug and a kiss on the cheek
and they will tell me "Happy Mother's Day,"
on their way to the breakfast table.
I will cherish every minute of our Mother's Day time together this weekend.
Having four generations together in one place for family time is rare.
We are so lucky to have each other.
My kids are lucky to have three great-grandmothers who are still living.
Who am I kidding?
I really am the lucky one.
I have incredible women I call Mom or Granny,
and I am blessed beyond measure to be called Mom
by two of the best kids I know!
That blessing is a gift in itself.
May your Mother's Day be simply delicious, Friends!