Thanks for checking in. I would love to hear from you.

Have a wonderful day my friends!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Permit Driver

Another milestone for our family.
Corbin took his driver's permit test this morning and passed.
He can legally chauffeur me around.
He is very happy and is eager to drive.
Driver's Ed starts next week.
Where did my baby go?
Time flies.
Milestones are delicious.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Memorial Day Reflections

This weekend we remember and honor those who have fought for our country.
We celebrate those lives because of the sacrifices they made to ensure our freedom.
We are blessed beyond measure.
We live in the "land of the free."
This flag represents so much.
It is shown in this picture flying in our city, reminding us of the freedom we have.

The flag was draped over the casket of my sweet Daddy, who proudly served our country.

This weekend we also remember loved ones who have gone Home to be with Jesus.
(Grandma Dorothy)

This was a picture taken on Grandpa John's farm before it was sold months after his passing.
He, too, was a member of the military, and proudly served as a merchant marine.

As I sit and remember times with these lost family members,
tears of joy for them well up in my eyes.
None of them are hurting.
What a delicious gift.

Happy Memories, Friends.
Be safe in your travels.

School's Out for Summer!

We are all exhausted!
Corbin had finals the entire last week of school.
Poor kid!
I had hoped he would be able to just enjoy the last week with his friends.
No luck.  Boo!
Courtney had practices to attend, activity days to enjoy, and an annual last day of school sleepover with friends.
I had award ceremonies, grade cards, and end of the year parties going on.
In addition to those things, I also had a roller coaster of emotions as the year came to an end.
Today...we SLEPT IN!
The laundry is done.
The grocery shopping is done.
The house chores are nearly done.
The yard is being mowed as I type.
We are starting vacation with the chores done.
(fingers crossed that our schedule will slow down a little so they can stay done)
We are excited for a week off before summer school begins.
We are pumped about a week of sleeping in, relaxing, playing, and sitting on the deck!
We're ready to simply enjoy the days.
Summer vacation....It's delicious!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Tis the season!

...of birthdays!
Today is the last day of Corbin's 14th year.  
He had a gathering with our little family and grandparents.
He is happily watching Iron Man with a buddy right now.  
They are preparing for watching Iron Man 3 next weekend.
He is excitedly anticipating the arrival of tomorrow and the big day.
He enjoys the annual breakfast cupcake as well as the birthday cake and tub of ice cream.  
Birthdays are sweet around here.  
Delicious, I say.  
Simply delicious.

Living the Dream

Living the Dream
I love Christmas Eve when the house is quiet and there is nothing left to do but wait for Santa and Christmas morning to arrive!