Thanks for checking in. I would love to hear from you.

Have a wonderful day my friends!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Hurry! Run!

This weekend was such a whirlwind!  It was truly a girly weekend with a lot of running around to different activities.  Corbin had soccer.  Our school had a carnival.  My neice had a gymnastics competition in town.  This is how it went down.......

my sister and niece came to town. 
 a girls' night at our local Holiday Inn--complete with a little pool time. 
 ONE queen bed for all 4 of us girls. 
We pulled the bedding off and slept sideways. 
It was awesome.  

  gymnastics competition.
    Nana brought donuts from our childhood bakery. 
 Yahoooooooo Nana!!   
Congrats to Cameron for qualifying to go to California.
We are so proud of you! 
What an accomplishment!

K-1 performance at the school carnival. 
My kinder kids were terrific! 
They sang their little hearts out and were as adorable as could be. 
 They worked so hard to prepare for that performance. 

  Corbin's soccer game.   
 The weather was really nice, and the kids played well. 
WooHooo Corbin for scoring in the second half of the game. 
 He had one foul for pushing....makes a momma proud. 
Ha ha.

  We landed at a favorite pizza place for dinner. 
 We were able to sit and enjoy dinner on the patio while we visited and caught up. 
  It was wonderful to have my family in town for so many good things. 

Don't be shocked.
 We had so much fun. 
They stayed another night!  
We girls spent Sunday shopping and having more fun in town. 

We are turning into our mother.... we know.   

 Sister, if you are reading this, THANK YOU for coming this weekend. 
 I'm so happy we got to spend such an amazing weekend together. 
 We must do that again SOON.
It was delicious.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Earth Day

I should have taken "before and after pictures" but it all happened so fast that I simply did not think about it. My wonderful hubby drug out the box woods in front of our porch this morning! These 3 shrubs were planted before we bought our house 14 years ago. Even after annual trimming, cutting back, and even chopping off, these bushes were outta control! They were too big. They hid the simpleness of the porch. They just did not "fit." So...this morning, Mr. Kindly put on his work gloves, grabbed a tow rope, backed the truck up and solved my problem. He is hauling off the debris as I type. The small little area is only about a foot wide and filled with river rocks. I think a couple of potted flowers and some solar lights will do the trick to spruce it up without overkill. "Oh Honey........."

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Sunshine makes me happy!

Yesterday was a beautiful, sunshine-filled day.  It was amazing.   It was a day filled with family, friends and fun!  Corbin had a track meet, so I took a 1/2 day of Personal leave to go watch him.  I could not have chosen a better day!!!  Not only did he pole vault well, but we also were able to just sit outside with nowhere to go.  We were forced to sit outside and enjoy the day.  (Sigh)

In addition to the track meet, we celebrated Great Grandma Ruby's 97th birthday at "Chicken Annie's" restaurant!  One of our many favs!!!!  Following the chicken dinner, we all drove back to Grandma Ruby's and had cake!  Mmmmm....can a day get any better????

It was a delicious day, I tell you!  Simply delicious.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Monday's Diet ...

                                       .....Shall consist of this.

Pinned Image

                                                             ....and only this! 

Happy Monday my Friends!  I hope your day is as delicious as mine!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Holy Week

The Holy Week.... one of many weeks that we remember, focus on, read about, and even celebrate.  Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday...they are all in this one week.  There is such a gruesome, scary, yet beautiful story behind this whole entire week. 

The events that led up to Jesus' death on the cross leave me sad, ill, angry,  hurt, joyful, and thankful....all at once.  I cry as I read about Jesus praying in the Garden.  I can't imagine the hurt and the betrayal he must have felt.  I feel the love he had for his disciples as he offers them communion at the Last Supper.  I feel the pain deep in my stomach when I think of Mary watching her son be treated so badly and then watching as life was taken away from him.

I feel tears warming my face when I read about the women embalming Jesus body and laying him in the borrowed tomb only to come back and find that He is no longer there.  The heartache....and fear....and  disbelief all at once.

I feel overwhelming joy that He is risen.  He has overcome.  He is victorious.

I am so thankful that God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit loves ME.
I am thankful that my sins are washed away with the blood of Jesus.
What a blessing. 
What a beautiful love He has for me! 
What an amazing love to sacrifice such a beautiful and perfect life for my broken one...

I could keep going, but I will end with this....

John 3:16. 

It was my favorite verse growing up. 
It was always a verse that reminded me that God LOVED ME. 
When I felt aweful and that the world was terrible and nothing was right....I went to John 3:16....always. 
It was and continues to be my go-to verse to help me remember God's love. 

Seriously....John 3:16 friends.
God's Love IS delicious!

Living the Dream

Living the Dream
I love Christmas Eve when the house is quiet and there is nothing left to do but wait for Santa and Christmas morning to arrive!